Those wishing to engage and pursue ANY Blacksmithing, Blade smithing, Metal Fabrication, Smelting, or Tool Making must fully comprehend all associated safety hazards, health risks, exposures, and techniques correlated to these crafts prior to participating. DO NOT attempt any of these techniques if you are unable to adhere and execute the required safety precautions at all times.
Failure to observe and execute personal safety can impact your short and/or long-term health and potentially cause serious bodily injury, including death. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT AND/OR SKILL SET TO WORK SAFELY, DO NOT PROCEED.
Any information contained on this website is exclusively for educational purposes only and the use and/or misuse of this information comes solely at the user's risk. Tall Pine Forge, including the Jacob King, specifically disclaims ANY and ALL liability from any injuries and damages that are the result of negligence, injury, use, attempt, application, replication, and construction of any information available on this website.
All Photographs are the sole property of Jacob King (owner of Tall Pine Forge). Unless otherwise noted, Distribution, Alterations, Copying, or any other use without first consulting Jacob King is completely prohibited.